Tuesday 23 June 2009

Blogging on holiday

I've just been to Australia for two weeks and thought i'd try out blogging as a travel diary http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/heatherbell/. This reinforced my view that blogging is really a one way form of talking to anyone who is mildly interested in me and my ramblings, rather than a way of 'learning'. It was a great record of the experiences i had, but as I only had one response from a colleague while I was away, I didn't get to have that feeling of shared conversation.
To take advantage of this, schools can post student work to share with the parent community and others, but to me that is scarily like taking parent teacher meetings and putting them online. Is this really any different? Of course it makes student work more accessible - if the family is computer literate and capable - but apart from that, I have doubts. Teachers cannot share all students' work this way, just the pick of the week i would think, so unless i'm the sort of parent who regularly looks for ways to see what is happening in my child's class, I don't know that there is a significant advantage. And be honest, how many parents are there out there that would really do that?
Jury's still out, but I am working with a cluster later this week who may challenge my thinking on this. They've been soaking up ICT opportunities for a while now so let's see where the discussion leads us.

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