Appraisal and Registration

Let's look at some really valuable (and easy, and quick) ways of evidencing how you meet the Teachers Council demands of registration and your school's appraisal process, and at the same time, improve your own practice through focusing on student learning.  

  1. Don't duplicate everything 
  2. Don't build a weighty portfolio
  3. Don't spend ages trying to think of what you have done for each specific RTC and laboriously trying to get evidence to support them
  4. Do give yourself opportunities to really see how learning is improving because of your shifts in teaching practices
  5. Do feel empowered by the process.
By carefully matching the Teaching as Inquiry cycle (see the Helen Timperley video on the sidebar) to the way you talk about your teaching and learning, you will find appraisal really powerful. 

"Staff are now learning how to build their own online appraisal portfolios that will also contribute to the NZ Teachers Council Registered Teacher requirements.  Teachers are now writing narrative assessments about their own practice and reflecting on how they supported the learning.  Not only are they inquiring into their own practice, but they are also making connections to the RTC quality teacher practices in meaningful contexts." (M. Rehu, Principal)

You'll need to be a 21st century learner to get the best from this approach. Ready for the challenge?

Contact Heather and see if we can plan something to suit your needs

1 comment:

  1. The link below is 'lecture' (13:36 mins long) about the importance of appraisal and a link to 'handout notes' if people want to watch it and share with staff for a training session. Teacher can print notes and watch YouTube in prep for meeting rather than sitting an watching it as a group, as this way you can stop and revisit ideas as you go.
    Share your reflections and impressions when you meet making the most of your time together for dialogue.
    13:36 mins long
    Link to Handouts to go with YouTube
