Sunday 31 October 2010

they are different

I was at home this week when the phone rang ...
Hi Mum
Do you know which son this is?
Of course, I'm just picking my jaw up off the floor ...
You never phone me, in fact I don't think you have ever used a phone to call me!  What's wrong?

Well, nothing of course.  But our distance conversations since he left home 5 years ago had been purely Skype or text - or me ringing him.  So why the old fashioned phone call?  Ah, he had just got a VOIP account so he could use a generation friendly technology.  HE wasn't using a phone, it just rang MY phone.

At ULearn, one presenter talked about how this generation's brains ARE different. They can multi task (yes they can study with the music on, text and play video games), and therefore we need to adapt our methods to hook them in.  Layers need to be used to let them sift through the data and collaborate to ensure the learning is engaging and effective.  My son is a perfect example.  Phones are boring, but skype (chat, so he can multi task), text, voip, wave - different matter.  Did you notice that email was NOT on that list? It's too slow!  Anything that adds a bit of challenge and interest, and multiple points of entry and he'll use it.  So where's the twist in the approaches we are using to educate this generation?  Think about the courses or classes you run; what level of reliance on traditional resources do you have?  Are you expecting multi tasking or assuming that they are all like you?  We do tend to paint the world as we see it, how is that affecting the learning of those in your care?

The phone call? Oh, he was just going to pop up from Wellington with a mate in a helicopter and wanted to know which paddock was best to land in.  I think that phone call was worth the wait :)

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